Smart PDU General Function Introduction:

Smart PDU can implement total circuit and branch circuit monitoring and controlling
Remote monitoring function include total current, voltage, branch current total power, total
electric energy, temperature, humidity, smog, water logging, entrance guard etc.
Remote controlling function include total circuit switch control, branch circuit switch control,
branch circuit time delay switch control, branch circuit timing switch control etc.


Operated temperature -50°C – 70 °C
Maximum power currant 13A
Operated humidity 5%- 95%
Working voltage Single phrase 100~250VAC, Three phrase 380VAC
Working frequency 50/60 Hz
Ports 1 network port
1 serial port
2 sensors ports
1 I/O port
1- usb port
Number of electrical outlet 8
Web management Yes
The output port C13
Dimensions (WxDxH) mm 482.6x160x45 mm


Main function Details Switched A
Monitor Total current Yes
Outlet load current Yes
On/Off state of each outlet Yes
Total power(kw) Yes
Total energy consumption(kwh) Yes
Input voltage Yes
Frequency Yes
Temperature/Humidity Yes
Smoke Yes
Door controlling Yes
Control Switch on/off individual outlet Yes
Delay switch on/off individual outlet Yes
Timing switch on/off individual outlet Yes
Set the delay of outlet sequential switching Yes
Clear the total energy consumption(kwh) Yes
Configure Set the delay of outlet sequential switching Yes
Clear the total energy consumption(kwh) Yes

Total current upper limit Yes
Outlet current upper limit Yes
Temperature/Humidity upper limit Yes
Smoke Yes
Water Yes
Door Yes
Alarm method
Buzzer Yes